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Welcome to Our 9th Annual Bull Sale

Our family is happy to welcome you to our 9th Annual Bull Sale!

Gurney Land & Livestock has always been a family run farm, but as our kids get older, they are becoming increasingly involved in bull preparation, day-to-day work and now even ownership. We’ve both added some Red Angus to our herds, with the first one for sale this year! Red or Black, heifer bulls or performance herd bulls, we have a great selection for what you are searching for.

We always look forward to visiting with you, but his year especially we look forward to seeing and visiting with you. We don’t know what COVID restrictions will be in place on Sale Day, so we encourage you to come to the farm for a safe, “socially distanced” tour of the bulls and their mamas. You are welcome any time prior to the sale, so please don’t hesitate to give us a call to set up a time to walk through the bull pen at your convenience, or if you have any questions about sale procedures as the sale gets closer.

We are thankful for our customers, our neighbours and friends, for your trust and confidence. We strive to earn your repeat business by providing the best genetics possible and customer service to match.

Wes & Carolyn Gurney

Jared, Raegan, Nathan & Alison

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